Latest news

Here you can find the latest news on our portfolio companies, our blogs and upcoming events.

April 25, 2024

Joanna Invests does first investment through the package deal in Bloom & Wolf

Joanna Invests is very proud to announce the first investment of the package deal: Bloom & Wolf. Bloom & Wolf, transforming the flower industry with sustainable, high-quality silk flowers, raised €1.4 million in pre-seed round.
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April 9, 2024

Quan announces strategic partnership with Zorg van de Zaak, plus investment round

Quan, the scale-up dedicated to helping teams measure and manage their own well-being, has announced a new strategic partnership with occupational healthcare provider Zorg van de Zaak, and a bridging round with existing investors.
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March 8, 2024

Joanna Invests celebrates milestone on International Women’s Day: €500,000 in funding closed

As we celebrate International Women’s Day, there is no better time to announce that we have closed the first tranche of €500,000 in funding for our package deal within just 3 months. With this achievement, we have taken a significant first step towards our goal of investing EUR 5 million in female founders within 2 years.
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February 5, 2024

tex.tracer finalist in 'Startup of the year 2024' competition by MT/Sprout

Exciting news! Our portfolio company tex.tracer has been nominated by MT/Sprout as Startup of the year 2024. And they have been selected as one of the four finalists, together with Cradle, Farmless and Agurotech (which is also female founded).
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November 15, 2023

Joanna Invests launches package deal to invest EUR 5m in female founders

Joanna Invests, the leading platform for women to get access to investing in female founders, is thrilled to announce the official launch of its groundbreaking package deal aimed at investing EUR 5 million in female founders.
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February 23, 2023

5 redenen waarom er meer geld naar vrouwelijke ondernemers moet

Shocking but true: vrouwelijke ondernemers ontvangen slechts 0,7% van al het venture capital. Claire Tange, founder en CEO van Joanna Invests, kan een blog schrijven over de diepgewortelde oorzaken van (te) weinig vrouwen in tech.
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February 21, 2023

Beth Massa on selling her house to fund Ozarka and raising €500k

For many years, achieving ‘zero waste’ and ‘sustainable consumption’ have been a goal for both businesses and governments alike. In our quest to achieve a more sustainable future, it is important to consider the impact of our everyday choices on the environment.
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February 14, 2023

Quan finalist in 'Startup of the year 2023' competition by MT/Sprout

Exciting news! Our portfolio company Quan has been nominated by MT/Sprout as Startup of the year 2023. And they have been selected as one of the four finalist. Our portfolio company Quan has been nominated by MT/Sprout as Startup of the year 2023.
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December 15, 2022

Peekabond closes pre-seed round with Joanna Invests and angel investors

In the midst of an economic downturn, Amsterdam-based startup Peekabond closes a pre-seed investment round. Joanna Invests teamed up with Ellevate, a community of international female IT professionals.
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August 12, 2022

What is angel investing and how can it help entrepreneurs?

Running out of cash. Something many of us have experiences with. But did you know that this is the main reason small businesses fail? 82% of entrepreneurs fail due to cash flow problems?
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June 7, 2022

Investing with founder Claire and Dertig in een Dozijn (podcast)

Our founder Claire participated in a podcast called ‘Dertig in een Dozijn’ with the amazing Jorien & Peet. Claire spoke about her experience in investing in general and how you should look at your investment portfolio.
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May 24, 2022

Joanna Invests closes first investment in startup We Are Eves

Joanna Invests, a new angel investment collective for women, has invested in Dutch startup company We Are Eves, a trusted platform for honest and independent beauty product reviews.
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